FrontPage is not my area but I'm thinking of using FrontPage (or any
other HTML editor) as a tool in a bigger project. At this stage I just
want to know if what I have in mind is allowed/possible.
I want to use FrontPage (or simular) to write a number of HTML pages.
Most of these will be very simple - a few lines of text and a button.
Others may have a few check boxes, a text input box and a choice of
buttons. Nothing I'm sure a '101' user can't do on day one! Thus
creating a large 'document' but made of individually very simple pages.
But I also want them to be able add pre and post processing 'code'.
This code I will (later, at 'run-time') remove, modifing the HTML
according to it and then display the 'pure html' in a browser window of
my own application.
I guess ideally this code should be outside the <HTML></HTML> area -
just to make identifing it easy for me. So something like....
@@Assign DOB = SCREEN2.DOB
etc etc
(I'm using '@@' just to identify the code to myself - could be
Is this possible? What will the user see within FrontPage? Will
FrontPage ignore the 'code' or display it?
If the above is not possible, what about 'User Defined Tags'. Are these
allowed? Are they easy to insert? Again, what does the user see. So...
<@@Assign DOB = SCREEN2.DOB>
The idea of pre/post processing a html page I thought up. But on the
grounds nothing is new.... Do other packages do this? Is there a
standard way to do so? Is there a name for this??
And while I have the ear of a FrontPage Guru...
Are there tools in FrontPage to keep track of pages and links? To
ensure all links are valid and all pages referered to? If a page is
deleted, will it warn me of (and find) broken links?
Many thanks
FrontPage is not my area but I'm thinking of using FrontPage (or any
other HTML editor) as a tool in a bigger project. At this stage I just
want to know if what I have in mind is allowed/possible.
I want to use FrontPage (or simular) to write a number of HTML pages.
Most of these will be very simple - a few lines of text and a button.
Others may have a few check boxes, a text input box and a choice of
buttons. Nothing I'm sure a '101' user can't do on day one! Thus
creating a large 'document' but made of individually very simple pages.
But I also want them to be able add pre and post processing 'code'.
This code I will (later, at 'run-time') remove, modifing the HTML
according to it and then display the 'pure html' in a browser window of
my own application.
I guess ideally this code should be outside the <HTML></HTML> area -
just to make identifing it easy for me. So something like....
@@Assign DOB = SCREEN2.DOB
etc etc
(I'm using '@@' just to identify the code to myself - could be
Is this possible? What will the user see within FrontPage? Will
FrontPage ignore the 'code' or display it?
If the above is not possible, what about 'User Defined Tags'. Are these
allowed? Are they easy to insert? Again, what does the user see. So...
<@@Assign DOB = SCREEN2.DOB>
The idea of pre/post processing a html page I thought up. But on the
grounds nothing is new.... Do other packages do this? Is there a
standard way to do so? Is there a name for this??
And while I have the ear of a FrontPage Guru...
Are there tools in FrontPage to keep track of pages and links? To
ensure all links are valid and all pages referered to? If a page is
deleted, will it warn me of (and find) broken links?
Many thanks