FrontPage: Upgrades/Vista/Non-profits



I'm about to purchase FrontPage 2003 and don't know what I need to do to get
it to work on Vista. Is there an upgrade that I need to load?

Also, does Microsoft have any type of discounts when the software is being
used by a non-profit? I'm going to be maintaining a web site for a Boy Scout
troop. I really don't want to pump a lot of my personal money into this, but
the site is alreay in FrontPage, the alternative, less expensive software
doesn't seem to be as well known by my potential supporters, and I don't have
financial backing from the Troop. Any suggestions?

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

The "upgrade" is under 90 bucks in the states.

Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression

| I'm about to purchase FrontPage 2003 and don't know what I need to do to
| it to work on Vista. Is there an upgrade that I need to load?
| Also, does Microsoft have any type of discounts when the software is being
| used by a non-profit? I'm going to be maintaining a web site for a Boy
| troop. I really don't want to pump a lot of my personal money into this,
| the site is alreay in FrontPage, the alternative, less expensive software
| doesn't seem to be as well known by my potential supporters, and I don't
| financial backing from the Troop. Any suggestions?

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