Frustrated With Entourage and Illustrator CS



I am having trouble with Illustrator CS and Entourage. I think it has
something to do with the Hot Keys.

I just upgrade to Mac OS 10.3 Panther with Adobe Creative Suite and Office
2004. After downloading all the new software, I opened up Illustrator CS and
began working. I tried to draw a perfect circle by holding down the shift key
and it didn't work. I did have Entourage open at the same time. So, I
reloaded the Illustrator program and opened a file again. This time I didn't
have Entourage open. Poof! It worked. Then I opened up Entourage and I
could no longer us the shift key to hold the constraints.

How can I use both programs and still be able to work efficiently in
Illustrator CS?

Please help!

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