Sorry, the shell line was just a text wrapping thing. However, it still
didn't work. No error, just didn't get a result.
I got an error on the Shell line. It shows in red in the editor so something
is missing or bad syntax. Could you give some explanatory detail on the
shell. I know that runs the executable, but please explain more about it.
Also, what is the syntax for the Username and password line? Finally, what
is the FtpComm.txt?
Hi Eric,
Try to use this code:
Public Sub FtpSend()
Dim vPath As String
Dim vFile As String
Dim vFTPServ As String
Dim fNum As Long
vPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
vFile = "YourFile.csv"
vFTPServ = ""
'Mounting file command for ftp.exe
fNum = FreeFile()
Open vPath & "\FtpComm.txt" For Output As #fNum
Print #1, "user YourLogin YourPass" ' your login and password"
Print #1, "cd TargetDir" ' change to dir on server
Print #1, "bin" ' bin or ascii file type to send
Print #1, "put " & vPath & "\" & vFile & " " & vFile ' upload local
filename to server file
Print #1, "close" ' close connection
Print #1, "quit" ' Quit ftp program
Shell "ftp -n -i -g -s:" & vPath & "\FtpComm.txt " & vFTPServ,
End Sub