FTP List Incorrect


Jason Carlton

I offer website hosting, and have a new client that uses Frontpage
2002. When they use "Publish Web," the list of items that they see on
the server is incorrect, and I'm not sure how to tell them to fix it.

When I say "incorrect," I mean that in some cases it's showing the
same file more than once, and in other cases it's not showing files
and directories that DO exist.

Is there a "cache" setting or something that they need to adjust?




Your client should download FP Cleaner from
http://www.95isalive.com/fixes/fpclean.htm and run the routines that
delete the hidden web cache files, and delete the hidden FrontPage
temporary files. The doubled folders is probably due to a corrupted web
cache file. Could the doubled folders and files simply be folders/files
with the same name but different CasE on a Unix server?

Some folders are permanently hidden in FrontPage, such as the _derived
folder, others are hidden until told to appear. This last group of
folders have names commencing with _, and include _borders and _themes

To show these folders in the file list use Tools->Web Settings -
Advanced tab, tick the box labelled "Show hidden files and folders",
click OK and allow the web to refresh.

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