FTP transfer



As part of a data import process, I must, from within VBA in my Access

1. Poll an FTP site periodically (Form_Timer probably) for existence of a
tag file in a remote FTP folder (its existence will indicate that a couple of
CSV data files to be downloaded are complete and in place, and it will
contain basic checksum information on those CSV files, such as the sum of a
particular column/field and/or the number of rows/records).
2. If it exists, download the tag file and CSV data files
3. After comparing the checksum to ensure that the three files were received
correctly, move the three files to an archive subfolder on the FTP server, or
at least rename them so that my customer who manages the other end of this
process can archive them.

Where do I start with this? I will obviously need a way to pass the URL
along with the user ID and password to log on, for starters.

Jesper F

1. Poll an FTP site periodically (Form_Timer probably) for existence of a
tag file in a remote FTP folder (its existence will indicate that a couple
CSV data files to be downloaded are complete and in place, and it will
contain basic checksum information on those CSV files, such as the sum of
particular column/field and/or the number of rows/records).
2. If it exists, download the tag file and CSV data files
3. After comparing the checksum to ensure that the three files were
correctly, move the three files to an archive subfolder on the FTP server,
at least rename them so that my customer who manages the other end of this
process can archive them.

Where do I start with this? I will obviously need a way to pass the URL
along with the user ID and password to log on, for starters.

I used this article to get started with something similar I made.

Jesper Fjølner

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