John T Ingato
I retrieve the video setting using windows API function which give me 1280 X
1024, which is correct.
But when I set the userform to reflect those sizes, the form is larger then
the screen. Even if I hard code it to 1024 X 768, which is considerly
smaller then my screen resolution, it is still larger.
Any comments please
Or how can I set a splash screen to be full screen?
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim size As Variant
size = GetVideoMode() ' this return a variant to an array... two
elements width and height
Me.Width = size(0)
Me.Height = size(1)
Me.Image1.Width = size(0)
Me.Image1.Height = size(1)
Me.StartUpPosition = 1 ' ALSO, WHICH ONE SHOULD I USE?
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:10"), "CloseSplash"
ProgressBar.Caption = "Loading... Please Wait"
End Sub
1024, which is correct.
But when I set the userform to reflect those sizes, the form is larger then
the screen. Even if I hard code it to 1024 X 768, which is considerly
smaller then my screen resolution, it is still larger.
Any comments please
Or how can I set a splash screen to be full screen?
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim size As Variant
size = GetVideoMode() ' this return a variant to an array... two
elements width and height
Me.Width = size(0)
Me.Height = size(1)
Me.Image1.Width = size(0)
Me.Image1.Height = size(1)
Me.StartUpPosition = 1 ' ALSO, WHICH ONE SHOULD I USE?
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:10"), "CloseSplash"
ProgressBar.Caption = "Loading... Please Wait"
End Sub