TK said:
Thanks for reply. It work great. One more thing, how do I assign a
Easy. Before you do it by hand, hit Tools » Macros » Record new Macro
It will argue with you a bit, asking for stuff you are not prepared to
tell it yet, like what keystroke combo and what you want to call it.
When you have assigned a keyboard shortcut and given it a name
(If you need a hint, mine's called pageWidth and I assigned it to
ctrl-alt-W for reasons only an ancient geek brought up on teco would
even begin to understand.)
With that out of the way, you will notice a little toolbar with a
square and a 1960's tape recorder hieroglyph appear on your screen. If
you hover the mouse over each of these, you will receive cryptic
advice. It means that you are now supposed to go through the steps of
setting your view to page width. When you finish, you click the square
to stop recording.
That's it. You have recorded a macro and assigned a keystroke to it.
Change your view to normal, then see if typing your keystroke combo
sticks you back in page view.
If you need to satisfy your inner geek, hit Tools » Macro » Macros...
Select pageWidth or whatever you called it, then click Edit. You will
see something like this. (It is what I recorded, then cleaned up a bit
all those years ago)
Sub pageWidth()
' pageWidth Macro
' Macro recorded 05-01-2004 by Elliott Roper
If ActiveWindow.View.SplitSpecial = wdPaneNone Then
ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdPageView
ActiveWindow.View.Type = wdPageView
End If
ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Zoom.PageFit = wdPageFitBestFit
End Sub
If recording your macro did not work, then you could always copy and
paste this into tools » macro » macros... » create.
You get to the same place in the end.
If you get desperate enough, you could always break Macintosh Rule #1.
Read the help. (You would not admit that you did that of course. You
will be an object of ridicule from that day onward, for ever and ever.)
I just noticed "Teh document" from your previous post. You are a Mac
user already! "Teh Snappy" is the official description of Mac OS X
speed, with only a trace of irony.