Function Help Please ....



Ok this is what I need ... Not sure which calculation to use or how t
set up that calculation ...

****If Cell B17 = 1st on Sheet 1 then I need for it to return a vaul
of 50 on sheet 2

****If Cell B17 = 2nd on Sheet 1 then I need for it to return a vaul
on 100 on sheet2

3rd = 150
4th = 200
5th = 250
6th = 300
7th = 350
8th = 400
9th = 450
10th = 500
Stops here .... So one cell would have to contain all the option

I was thinking I should use a database calculation ... But I am no
sure how to set it up ... Can anyone help with this

I would then copy this calcualtion so that it applys to Column B thru
- Row 17 -26


UPDATE but still need help ....

I can can get the above to work with the IF command but only up to
point ....



DOES NOT WORK - And this is what I need.


I get the error after "400" - Can anyone help with this? Should I b
using a different command - If so which one? and how do I set it up?

Thanks in advanc


if that is your data requirement, increments of 50, why not do somethin
like this:



ROFLMAO ... Well wasn't that easy ...

Thank you so much ... I came accross another post that explained why
was getting the error - Can only have 7 nested "IF's" and they had
work around - I was just reading how to do it when your repsonse cam
in ....

Thank you so much - Worked great - goes to show how much I don't kno
about excel. :


:cool: I was thinking of that post too, and just about to rewrite th
idea, but.. then realized!

Glad to have helped ;

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