Function Inside an "IN" Operator


John Lane

Can there be a function inside an IN operator, such as:

IN (GetstrWhere())

where GetstrWhere returns a string bounded by quotes (")? The function
executes and returns data, but the IN opeator fails and does not make a match
to the data from the table. I think the embedded quotes are messing it up,
but I'm not sure.

Stefan Hoffmann

hi John,

John said:
Can there be a function inside an IN operator, such as:
IN (GetstrWhere())
No, this is not possible. But why don't you change your function, e.g.

WHERE [yourField] IN (GetstrWhere())


WHERE GetstrWhere([yourField])


Public Function GetstrWhere(AValue As Variant) As Boolean

Dim Result As Boolean

If IsNull(AValue) Then
Result = False
'your tests against AValue
End If

GetstrWhere = Result

End Function

--> stefan <--

Bob Barrows

John said:
Can there be a function inside an IN operator, such as:

IN (GetstrWhere())

where GetstrWhere returns a string bounded by quotes (")? The function
executes and returns data, but the IN opeator fails and does not make
a match to the data from the table. I think the embedded quotes are
messing it up, but I'm not sure.

The IN clause requires either a comma-delimited list of values or a
SELECT statement that returns a single column of values.

Your function, from the sounds of it, is returning a string containing
some characters, that include one or more commas. This string _is a
single value_. The query engine _will not_ parse that string into a list
of values.

Here is my canned reply on parameterizing the IN () clause:

Here is a compilation of posts about how to deal with this issue:
There are two solutions for this problem listed in the following KB
(Q210530 - ACC2000: How to Create a Parameter In() Statement), found by
searching for the keywords "parameter list query" (no quotes) at

The first solution uses Instr() to test the field values against the
list in
the parameter. The second involves dynamically creating a SQL statement

Thanks to Paul Overway, here is a third solution, using the Eval

WHERE (((Eval(
![Field] & " In(" &
[Forms]![Formname]![textboxname] &

or, using a prompted parameter:

WHERE (((Eval(
![Field] & " In(" & [Enter List] & ")"))=True))

Thanks to Jeffrey A. Williams, here's a 4th solution:

If you don't mind adding a table to your database, and you're
dealing with possible multi-user issues, this will perform better than
either of the solutions that involve running a function (Instr or Eval)
every row of your table:

Create a new table with two fields:

Criteria text
Selected boolean (yes/no)

Populate the table with your values and select a couple of items. Now
can use this table in your query as such:

Select * from table1
inner join tblcriteria
on table1.[your criteria field] = tblcriteria.criteria
where tblcriteria.selected = true

You can easily setup a form (or subform) that is bound to tblCriteria
allow the users the
ability of selecting which values they want.

Thanks to Michel Walsh, here's yet another way:

SELECT Table3.ConName, Table3.State, Table3.Zip
FROM Table3
WHERE "," &
  • & "," LIKE "*," & [ConName] & ",*"

    with [param] some string like: '1,4,5,7'

    note that there is no space after the comas.

    It works simply. If AccountID is 45, clearly ',1,4,5,7,' LIKE
    '*,45,*' returns false.
    If AccountID is 4, on the other hand, ',1,4,5,7,' LIKE '*,4,*'
    returns true.

    So, you have, in effect, an IN( ) where the list is a parameter.

Marshall Barton

John said:
Can there be a function inside an IN operator, such as:

IN (GetstrWhere())

where GetstrWhere returns a string bounded by quotes (")? The function
executes and returns data, but the IN opeator fails and does not make a match
to the data from the table. I think the embedded quotes are messing it up,
but I'm not sure.

No. A function returns a value, not a list of values as IN

You could approach this problem using the Like operator.
E.g. If the function returns a string like:
then use:
WHERE GetstrWhere() Like "*$" & thefield & "$*"

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