Salmon Egg
I vaguely remember the use of function macros from an early version of
Excel. The date in excel thread reminded me of that because that might
offer a simple macro with programming not much different from just
writing a spreadsheet. IIRC this mini-spreadsheet could use data from
the calling spreadsheet to control its calculation.
IIRC, the function macro function is called with arguments just like an
ordinary Excel function is called. The return value or values of the
function is just what you can create using spreadsheet statements.
For example, suppose you have a starting point A and and end point B on
the Earth given by their latitudes and longitudes. A spreadsheet can be
created that will calculate the distance between A and B along a great
circle route and what the bearing is at A to B along such a route. Thus,
a function to solve a simple navigation problem is available to be
called from inside the calling macro.
Is such a capability available in more modern versions of Excel?
Conservatives are against Darwinism but for natural selection.
Liberals are for Darwinism but totally against any selection.
Excel. The date in excel thread reminded me of that because that might
offer a simple macro with programming not much different from just
writing a spreadsheet. IIRC this mini-spreadsheet could use data from
the calling spreadsheet to control its calculation.
IIRC, the function macro function is called with arguments just like an
ordinary Excel function is called. The return value or values of the
function is just what you can create using spreadsheet statements.
For example, suppose you have a starting point A and and end point B on
the Earth given by their latitudes and longitudes. A spreadsheet can be
created that will calculate the distance between A and B along a great
circle route and what the bearing is at A to B along such a route. Thus,
a function to solve a simple navigation problem is available to be
called from inside the calling macro.
Is such a capability available in more modern versions of Excel?
Conservatives are against Darwinism but for natural selection.
Liberals are for Darwinism but totally against any selection.