Function not available



Using Access97 on various platforms (Win98, NT, 2000, XP):

On some machines I get the error 'Function not available in expressions in
SQL statement'.

I have two functions in the query: left and Date(). The Left function
extracts the first char of a text field and the Date function is used in the
criteria (Valid_Date <= Date() ).

The query works on some machines but not all, and does not seem to be
platform dependent.

Anyone have any ideas on this?



Andy said:
Using Access97 on various platforms (Win98, NT, 2000, XP):

On some machines I get the error 'Function not available in expressions in
SQL statement'.

I have two functions in the query: left and Date(). The Left function
extracts the first char of a text field and the Date function is used in the
criteria (Valid_Date <= Date() ).

The query works on some machines but not all, and does not seem to be
platform dependent.

Anyone have any ideas on this?


Open any module in Design view.
On the Tools menu, click References.
Click to clear the check box for the type library or object library
marked as "Missing:."

An alternative to removing the reference is to restore the referenced
file to the path specified in the References dialog box. If the
referenced file is in a new location, clear the "Missing:" reference
and create a new reference to the file in its new folder.

See Microsoft KnowledgeBase articles:
283115 'ACC2002: References That You Must Set When You Work with
Or for Access 97:
175484 'References to Set When Working With Microsoft Access' for
the correct ones needed,
160870 'VBA Functions Break in Database with Missing References' for
how to reset a missing one.


Thanks for your suggestion.

I had already corrected the missing references, but the problem remained. I
have the following references checked:
MS Access 8.0 object
MS Graph 8.0 Obj
MS DAO 3.51 olb
Outlook 98 Type model

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