For a variety of solid reasons that are too lengthy and irrelevant t
get into here, I have the following setup: a cell that contains th
following formula:
=GetTheText("D95", "D49")
(D95 and D49 are just examples. What is important is that the cell tha
contains this formula is neither cell D95 or D49.)
Here is the GetTheText function:
Function GetTheText(SourceCell As String, TargetCell As String)
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone
SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
End Function
Nothing seems to happen. When I check the clipboard it shows nothing i
there. Is there any reason why a function might refuse to put a valu
into another cell? Seems unlikely. Can anyone help, please?
thank you!
the code
get into here, I have the following setup: a cell that contains th
following formula:
=GetTheText("D95", "D49")
(D95 and D49 are just examples. What is important is that the cell tha
contains this formula is neither cell D95 or D49.)
Here is the GetTheText function:
Function GetTheText(SourceCell As String, TargetCell As String)
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone
SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
End Function
Nothing seems to happen. When I check the clipboard it shows nothing i
there. Is there any reason why a function might refuse to put a valu
into another cell? Seems unlikely. Can anyone help, please?
thank you!
the code