othmane benchebab
Hello everybody;
i have one problem with restict function .
When i use this function like :
string filter = string.Format("[Start] >= '{0}' And [End] <= '{1}'", Debut, Fin);
appointmentItems = calendarFolder.Items.Restrict(filter);
that work
but when i use :
string filter = string.Format("[GlobalAppointmentID] = '{0}' ", IdRdv);
appointmentItems = calendarFolder.Items.Restrict(filter);
doesn't work.
can u help me please?
i have one problem with restict function .
When i use this function like :
string filter = string.Format("[Start] >= '{0}' And [End] <= '{1}'", Debut, Fin);
appointmentItems = calendarFolder.Items.Restrict(filter);
that work
but when i use :
string filter = string.Format("[GlobalAppointmentID] = '{0}' ", IdRdv);
appointmentItems = calendarFolder.Items.Restrict(filter);
doesn't work.
can u help me please?