I have a function which counts tasks based on certain criteria A, B,
and C.
The same function is also used to count tasks based on criteria A, B,
C, and D. This is done by setting a Boolean argument to True or False
depending on whichever is needed.
Therefore, the second set of is a subset of the first set.
This function looks at either the entire Project file or just user-
selected tasks.
In order for me to get both results I have to run the function twice,
which requires me to run through the entire set of tasks twice.
Is it possible to run through this function once and return both sets
of numbers?
If so, how? Use an array? Can a function return an array? Is there a
better way?
I want to be as efficient as possible because some Project files have
3000+ tasks.
and C.
The same function is also used to count tasks based on criteria A, B,
C, and D. This is done by setting a Boolean argument to True or False
depending on whichever is needed.
Therefore, the second set of is a subset of the first set.
This function looks at either the entire Project file or just user-
selected tasks.
In order for me to get both results I have to run the function twice,
which requires me to run through the entire set of tasks twice.
Is it possible to run through this function once and return both sets
of numbers?
If so, how? Use an array? Can a function return an array? Is there a
better way?
I want to be as efficient as possible because some Project files have
3000+ tasks.