function "search" in EXCEL2003


Javier Ruiz

I have several repeating text chains values in a columm which I want to link
whith other values stored in the same sheet but different cells.

To make this clearer, I have several initials in a colum (JR; AN; etc.) and
I want to search for these in another table where other attributes such as
full name, phone number, e-mail, etc. are adjacent. By doing so I expect to
replicate this values on the main table and be able to change a set of them
by modifying only the one contained in the cell as I could do with a

To get this, I have used function "BUSCAR" (I have the spanish edition, so I
think this must be something like "SEARCH" on the english one). The problem I
have found is that this function makes a mistake when trying to identify the
initials and confusses them sorting erroneous values.

Could any of you please help me? Thanks very much in advance!


BUSCAR (Spanish) is equivalent to LOOKUP, and you would normally do
what you are trying to do using VLOOKUP, which is BUSCARV in the
Spanish equivalent.

It is probably easier for you to use Excel Help in your version to
find out how to use this in your native language, but post back if you
need any further help.


Javier Ruiz

Thanks very much, Pete_UK!

Actually with the new function "BUSCARV" (LOOKUPV) it does work as long as
you set the last parameter to FALSE (ORDENADO in Spanish; I guess it must be
somehing like "ORDERED" or "SORTED" in English).



With the 4th parameter set to FALSE (or 0) this means that you are
looking for an exact match, but the data in the table does not need to
be sorted.

The fourth parameter can be omitted, or can be set to TRUE or 1 (all
the same effect), and in this case the data does need to be sorted,
but the lookup will not necessarily return an exact match.

Thanks for feeding back.


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