Function to Check if Cell is Highlighted for Change in Shared Work



Good afternoon, everyone. I've been banging my head against the wall trying
to figure this out for a few days.

I am looking to create a shared workbook and utilize the track changes
feature. In this workbook I want to write a function that refers to another
cell and tells me whether or not that cell is highlighted as being changed
(i.e. has the blue triangle in the top left corner). It is extremely
important that it refers to whether or not Excel is highlighting it because I
want the function result to change if the highlight change date range is

I figured out how to have the function check a cell for comments, but since
these only look like comment it doesn't work. I'm hoping the VBA language is
similar, but for the life of me I can't find how to reference the highlight
for change.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Mike H.

What if you put a function in the ThisWorkbook area on selection change:

Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target
As Range)

End Sub

Then you could monitor the changes yourself and create whatever log you want.
Note, you'll need to record the "starting" position of the cursor when you
open the workbook so you can then track a change. This is basically what I
use all the time. HTH.


I'm not exactly sure how I'd make that work. The reason I am trying to base
this on the cell being highlighted/having the blue triangle is this:

My employees will be making changes to the spreadsheet throughout the month,
but let's say I only want to see the changes that were made in the past 5
days. I could then just do Highlight Changes Since [Date]. I only really care
about changes made in certain columns, so I'm looking to use this function to
check that particular cell in that row is highlighted for change in that
specific time frame.

For comments the reference is something like (Cell) there
no way to make a similar reference for this type of situation?

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