Scott A. Will
I want to past the StartDate VAriabl;e to an excel Macro
can this be done
Here is my function
Public Function StartDate()
Dim stdte
Dim MyDate, mmonth, mday, myear, StDate
stdte = [Forms]![Input Form]!StartDate
MyDate = stdte ' MyDate contains the current system
mmonth = Mid(MyDate, 1, 2)
mday = Mid(MyDate, 4, 2)
myear = Mid(MyDate, 7, 2)
StDate = "1" + myear + mmonth + mday
StartDate = StDate
End Function
I want to pass the variable StartDate to an Excel Macro
Can this be done?
can this be done
Here is my function
Public Function StartDate()
Dim stdte
Dim MyDate, mmonth, mday, myear, StDate
stdte = [Forms]![Input Form]!StartDate
MyDate = stdte ' MyDate contains the current system
mmonth = Mid(MyDate, 1, 2)
mday = Mid(MyDate, 4, 2)
myear = Mid(MyDate, 7, 2)
StDate = "1" + myear + mmonth + mday
StartDate = StDate
End Function
I want to pass the variable StartDate to an Excel Macro
Can this be done?