If I use 03/01/05 as the start date the function works. However, if I
use 02/01/05 or 01/01/05 I get #Value!
What am I missing?
Public Function TRM(compYear As Integer, sDate As Date, numUnits As
Integer, trans As Currency) As Double
Const yearAmt = 36000
Const monthAmt = 3000
Const PRN = 2
Dim tAmt As Currency
Dim calcYear As Integer
calcYear = Year(sDate)
Dim eDate As Date
eDate = CDate("12/31/" & CStr(calcYear))
Dim pAmt As Currency
Dim AllAmt As Currency
Dim numMonths As Integer
numMonths = CInt(DateDiff("m", sDate, eDate)) + 1
tAmt = numMonths * monthAmt
If compYear = calcYear Then
pAmt = numUnits * tAmt
pAmt = yearAmt * numUnits
End If
If trans < pAmt Then
TRM = 0
TRM = (trans - pAmt) * PRN
End If
End Function
use 02/01/05 or 01/01/05 I get #Value!
What am I missing?
Public Function TRM(compYear As Integer, sDate As Date, numUnits As
Integer, trans As Currency) As Double
Const yearAmt = 36000
Const monthAmt = 3000
Const PRN = 2
Dim tAmt As Currency
Dim calcYear As Integer
calcYear = Year(sDate)
Dim eDate As Date
eDate = CDate("12/31/" & CStr(calcYear))
Dim pAmt As Currency
Dim AllAmt As Currency
Dim numMonths As Integer
numMonths = CInt(DateDiff("m", sDate, eDate)) + 1
tAmt = numMonths * monthAmt
If compYear = calcYear Then
pAmt = numUnits * tAmt
pAmt = yearAmt * numUnits
End If
If trans < pAmt Then
TRM = 0
TRM = (trans - pAmt) * PRN
End If
End Function