



Please can someone help me. Here is what i have been trying to do:

I have 2 worksheets, in 1 worksheet i have a list of numerical code
C10 :C60 on the other worksheet i have the identical list of code
with corresponding codes. C10:C60 & D10:D60 respectively.

I want to be able to pull the corresponding code into worksheet 2 i
the 2 codes match from the identical lists on each worksheet.

I hope i have explained it.

Please Help



use the vlookup function

on the first sheet in D10 (assuming this is where you want the codes)


and copy this down the column




Hi Tracey,
If I have understood you correctly you need to use
the "Vlookup" function....

If sheet1 contains the codes in C10:C60 and you want to
pull in the corresponding codes from sheet2...then in
sheet1 in D10 =VLOOKUP(C10,Sheet2!C10:D14,2)

Does that make sense? If not, refer to "vlookup" in help
and that might do a better job.



Tracey181 said:

Please can someone help me. Here is what i have been trying to do:

I have 2 worksheets, in 1 worksheet i have a list of numerical codes
C10 :C60 on the other worksheet i have the identical list of codes
with corresponding codes. C10:C60 & D10:D60 respectively.

I want to be able to pull the corresponding code into worksheet 2 if
the 2 codes match from the identical lists on each worksheet.

I hope i have explained it.

Please Help


If I understand correctly, in D10 of Sheet1 you need the formula
and you then copy this formula down as far as D60.
(I may not have the sheet names correct, and I'm confused as to which is
which, but you may be able to sort this out yourself!)

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