funtion and formula help.



i am currently using office 97 and have produced a
spreadsheet the spreadsheet contains stock levels and for
every item that we have in stock a X goes in the cell next
to the item each X is placed in a diffrent cell then after
14 cells left blank for the X there is a total of how many
X there are (the reason only 14 cells are left is that we
would never have over 14 items of stock in for one item.)
i would like this total to appear automatically when the
crosses (X) are entered. i was wondering if anybody could
help me with the formula to automate this function .

thank you



Thanks guys i have sorted one problem but i have another
for us. If i put the number 12 in a cell at the end of the
row how would i get 12 cells on that row to display the
x??? which function or formula would i use to do this??



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