Future Dates Problem


Dan Sweetwood

In a medicine disbursement form I have set the criteria for the [data] to
show only those records that are <=Now(). Often we pre-prescribe medication
(especially over weekends)on a protocol schedule but do not want the
medication to show up until the day is to be acutally dispensed with the new
dosage or frequency changes. That part works well. The problem is I need to
add additional critieria that does not show those medications that are marked
as [Protocol]=true and are past today's date <now(). Any suggestions? I
appreciate your help!
Dan S

Mike Painter

Dan said:
In a medicine disbursement form I have set the criteria for the
[data] to show only those records that are <=Now(). Often we
pre-prescribe medication (especially over weekends)on a protocol
schedule but do not want the medication to show up until the day is
to be acutally dispensed with the new dosage or frequency changes.
That part works well. The problem is I need to add additional
critieria that does not show those medications that are marked as
[Protocol]=true and are past today's date <now(). Any suggestions? I
appreciate your help!
Dan S

That would be done in a query. Is [data] actually "data" and not "date" if
it is "date" that is a bad choice for a field name. Since it is reserved it
will give problems under some circumstances. Try changing the field anme and
see if it is fixed.

Note that Now() is date and time. Date() is usually a better way.

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