FYI - VBE Breakpoints Skipped due to Conditional Format


David Sauder

This isn't a request for help, but I thought I'd post this because I
didn't see any other threads that addressed this topic.

I had a problem with a spreadsheet that was mostly working fine, but
had a few bizarre bugs. Among other things, the screen wouldn't
refresh properly after the application.screenupdating property was set
back to true after some code was run. A msgbox at the end of the
macro confirmed that the screenupdating property was in fact true.
Setting a breakpoint in the code didn't help because the program would
not stop at the breakpoint - it would just run right past it. On
other macros, execution would just stop mysteriously in the middle of
the code for no apparent reason. Once again, setting breakpoints in
the VBE to debug didn't work because the program ran right through

The source of all this trouble? An 'invalid' conditional format. Not
something that immediately comes to mind as the source of these kinds
of problems (at least not to me), but something to consider if you
also start to see this kind of inexplicable behavior.

This problem was encountered in Excel 2002.

David Sauder

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