GAL broken with Entourage 13.0.3 and EWS

  • Thread starter Scott Boettcher
  • Start date

Scott Boettcher


We have discovered an issue with the GAL and 13.0.3.
It appears in both 10.5.8 and 10.6.2 Macs.
The GAL is very unreliable, most of the time it¹s inaccessible.
If we uninstall and go back to 13.0.0, it¹s fine.

Anyone else?


William Smith [MVP]

Scott said:
We have discovered an issue with the GAL and 13.0.3.
It appears in both 10.5.8 and 10.6.2 Macs.
The GAL is very unreliable, most of the time it’s inaccessible.
If we uninstall and go back to 13.0.0, it’s fine.

I'm using 13.0.3 both at home, connecting to our OWA server, as well as
at work connecting to our internal Exchange server. No problems
accessing the GAL.

What specifically is not working for you? The 12.x version of Entourage
will use just LDAP for GAL connectivity whereas the 13.x version of
Entourage will use both LDAP and Exchange Web Services (EWS).

EWS facilitates searching/lookups and LDAP facilitates browsing the GAL.
LDAP will only work internally to your company where your Exchange
server is located. Be sure that you're using the address of a Global
Catalog server, which is a special type of domain controller.

Hope this helps!



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Scott Boettcher

Hi Bill,

Thanks for the reply.
We have verified that on numerous Macs, going from 13.0 to 13.0.3 kills our
GAL access on the EXCH 2007 RU9 setup.
Entourage 12.x is also fine.
So...something changed, and I don¹t know what.
We can¹t use the 12.2.3 / 13.0.3 upgrade until we know what happened.


William Smith [MVP]

Scott said:
Thanks for the reply.
We have verified that on numerous Macs, going from 13.0 to 13.0.3 kills
our GAL access on the EXCH 2007 RU9 setup.
Entourage 12.x is also fine.
So...something changed, and I don’t know what.
We can’t use the 12.2.3 / 13.0.3 upgrade until we know what happened.

Ah, so if you're saying Entourage 12.x is working for you then you're
connecting to LDAP inside your company network.

Try this:

In Entourage 13.0, remove the LDAP server address and test addressing a
new message to someone who's not likely in your Most Recently Used list.
(I often test with our CEO.) For example, if I start typing "Johnst"
then via EWS you should still receive matches from the GAL for
"Johnston...", etc.

Entourage 12.x did not have this functionality and relied exclusively on
LDAP for lookups.

Do you receive anything at all with the LDAP server removed in either
13.0.0 or 13.0.3?



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Scott Boettcher

Hi Bill,

Thanks for the continued replies.
I am testing now with NO entry in LDAP.
Here¹s the rub ­ we indeed needed to populate the LDAP server field as we
have an outsourced (Microsoft) email service.
The GAL is across our and their Domains.
Our local domain accounts are in ³expired² status for this config, and if we
used the MS Domain, we got ³your password will expire in 0 days² messages
upon every launch of Entourage.
So, we populate with our internal LDAP to avoid this.
Will report back to you.


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