GAL program acces in outlook 2007



Hi, i got the following problem:

When i try to acces to the GAL using the CDO component an error pops up:
ACCESS DENIED when i try to see the GAL contact dates.

When i use the Outlook 2003 it works withot a problem, but in the 2007
Outlook it gets me that error even when im using the same font

This is the font code. In this part "For Each objAddress In
" its when i get the problem in Outlook 2007.
Ill apreciate if u can give me an answer the soon as posible.


Const strServer = "MyServer"
Const strMailbox = "MyMailbox"

Dim objSession As New MAPI.Session
Dim objAdds As MAPI.AddressLists
Dim objAddress As MAPI.AddressEntry
Dim objGAL As MAPI.AddressList
Dim objFields As MAPI.Fields, objField As MAPI.Field
Dim Codigo_User As String
Dim strAddress As String
Dim cnxRRHH As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cnxRRHHCS As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cmdRRHH As New ADODB.Command
Dim cmdRRHHCS As New ADODB.Command
Dim rsRRHH As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strLista As String
Dim strProfileInfo As String

cnxRRHH.Open glStrConexionRRHH
cnxRRHHCS.Open glStrConexionRRHHCS

cmdRRHH.ActiveConnection = cnxRRHH
cmdRRHHCS.ActiveConnection = cnxRRHHCS

rsRRHH.CursorType = adOpenStatic
rsRRHH.CursorLocation = adUseClient

strProfileInfo = strServer & vbLf & strMailbox

objSession.Logon , , False, False, , True, strProfileInfo

If objSession Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

strEntidadSolicita = ""

Set objAdds = objSession.AddressLists
Set objGAL = objAdds.Item("Lista global de direcciones")
pbarCarga.Min = 0
pbarCarga.Max = objGAL.AddressEntries.Count
pbarCarga.Value = 0
For Each objAddress In objGAL.AddressEntries
pbarCarga.Value = pbarCarga.Value + 1
If objAddress.DisplayType = CdoUser Or objAddress.DisplayType =
CdoRemoteUser Then
If InStr(1, Trim(objAddress.Name), " ", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
'Identifica Entidad Solicitante
If Trim(Me.txtSolicita.Text) = Trim(objAddress.Name) Then
Set objFields = objAddress.Fields
strAddress = objFields.Item(972947486)
strEntidadSolicita = IIf(InStr(1, strAddress,
""), "SBP", IIf(InStr(1, strAddress, ""),
"CSF", ""))
End If
If InStr(1, Me.txtBody.Text, objAddress.Name, vbTextCompare)
Set objFields = objAddress.Fields
Codigo_User = objFields.Item(973078558) '973078558:
codigo nickname
If Val(Mid(Codigo_User, 2)) > 0 Then
strAddress = objFields.Item(972947486)
cmdRRHH.CommandText = "Select
Codigo,Ape_Pat,Ape_Mat,Nombre,Cod_Cdr,Cdr,puesto,des_pto " & _
"From dbo.V_Trabajador_General
Where cast(Codigo as numeric(10,0))=" & Val(Mid(Codigo_User, 2))
Set rsRRHH = cmdRRHH.Execute
If rsRRHH.BOF = False Or rsRRHH.EOF = False Then
strLista = objAddress.Name & " - " &
CStr(Val(rsRRHH("Cod_Cdr"))) & ":" & LCase(Trim(rsRRHH("Cdr"))) & " - " &
cmdRRHHCS.CommandText = "Select
Codigo,Ape_Pat,Ape_Mat,Nombre,Cod_Cdr,Cdr,puesto,des_pto " & _
dbo.V_Trabajador_General Where cast(Codigo as numeric(10,0))=" &
Val(Mid(Codigo_User, 2))
'If rsRRHH.State = 1 Then
' rsRRHH.Close
'End If
Set rsRRHH = cmdRRHHCS.Execute
If rsRRHH.BOF = False Or rsRRHH.EOF = False Then
strLista = objAddress.Name & " - " &
CStr(Val(rsRRHH("Cod_Cdr"))) & ":" & LCase(Trim(rsRRHH("Cdr"))) & " - " &
strLista = objAddress.Name & " - " &
End If
End If

lstContacto.AddItem strLista & ":" & IIf(InStr(1,
strAddress, ""), "SBP", IIf(InStr(1, strAddress,
""), "CSF", "OTRO"))
End If
End If
End If
End If

Dmitry Streblechenko

Are you logged as as the same user and accessing the same mailbox in both
Are oyu using a cached profile in both cases?

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool


About your questin, yes im using the same user in both cases.
When i try to access GAL the program logs with the RED user, but, with any
other ser it conects normaly in Outlook 2003 and when i try to ejecute the
same macro in Outlook 2007 it keeps getting me the error.

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