Use a custom field for this.
I use the following formula in one of the text columns to show workweeks:
"w" & Format(DateAdd("d",7-Weekday([Finish]),[Finish]),"ww" & "'yy")
Then instead of adding start and finish, add the text field as the source
for the bar text.
With this approach you can also add additional information - say if you want
it to show the ww finish AND the resource names then simply amend the
formula to be:
"w" & Format(DateAdd("d",7-Weekday([Finish]),[Finish]),"ww" & "'yy") & " "
& [Resource Names]
-Jack ... For project information and macro examples visit
I have added the Start and Finish on the left and right of the Bar. I
like these dates to be in work week format like w1, w2, ...w52 as are my
Start and Finish columns. Like my selection of Timescale.