Gantt chart



I'm re-posting please help:-
please read all in order to understand the problem
Thanks for your suggestion I implemented straightaway,
however I noticed that it works fine as long as (H2-G2) is
positive if negative then it will not work, I did If
statement to swap the contents then it works partially i.e
the problem of coloring the bar has arised and also I
noticed that when Leave2 partially ovelap with Leave1 not
correct gantt chart is presented. Reason for overlapping
that if someone going for annual leave and part of it is
training. Please advice.

Jon Peltier

I have responded to your question in the earlier thread:

You could make your formulas smarter. This one gives you the difference,
no matter which is larger:


Also you need to decide how you want overlapping bars to be shown in the
chart, then adjust the formulas accordingly.

- Jon


I tried but without success , please can you break it down
into very simple way, Excel 2002
Data is as follow
A1: Blank
A2: Salam
A3: John
A4: Peter
B1: LeaveStart
B2: 2/2/04
B3: 5/2/04
B4: 6/6/04
C1: LeaveEnd
C2: 3/3/04
C3: 4/3/04
C4; 7/9/04
D2: 5/5/04
D3: 2/1/04
D4; 1/7/04
E2: 5/6/04
E3: 10/1/04
E4: 20/7/04

Jon Peltier

Ah, now you know what I mean, make the formulas smarter. Applying the
dumb formulas, you get a range like this:

Start Leave Gap Train LvStart LvEnd TrStart TrEnd
Salam 2/2/04 30 63 31 2/2/04 3/3/04 5/5/04 5/6/04
John 5/2/04 28 -62 8 5/2/04 4/3/04 2/1/04 10/1/04
Peter 6/6/04 93 -68 19 6/6/04 7/9/04 1/7/04 20/7/04

The negatives are a sign that my assumptions were too simplistic. Your
case has training occurring before, during, or after leave. So our
formulas must be smarter, to allow for leave, training, leave+training,
or a gap, and with leave before or after training.

With LeaveStart, LeaveEnd, TrainingStart, and TrainingEnd dates in
columns I through L, set up this range in A1:H4:

Start Leave Train Gap Both Leave Train

(Yes, I know there are two columns each for Leave and Train.) Keep cell
A1 blank, so Excel makes the chart properly.

Put these formulas where indicated:

B2: =MIN(I2,K2)
C2: =IF(I2<K2,MIN(K2,J2)-I2,0)
D2: =IF(K2<I2,MIN(L2,I2)-K2,0)
E2: =IF(MIN(J2,L2)<MAX(I2,K2),MAX(I2,K2)-MIN(J2,L2),0)
F2: =IF(MIN(J2,L2)>MAX(I2,K2),MIN(J2,L2)-MAX(I2,K2),0)
G2: =IF(J2>L2,J2-MAX(L2,I2),0)
H2: =IF(L2>J2,L2-MAX(J2,K2),0)

Fill these down as far as you have names in column A. Make a stacked bar
chart from columns A through H, with the series in columns. Format the
Start and Gap series to be invisible (border and area both None), format
both Leave series the same, format both Training series the same. Remove
extraneous legend entries by selecting the legend, then selecting the
text of the entry, and pressing Delete (don't select the legend key, the
little colored square, or you'll delete the series).

You now have one color each for leave and training, and a third for
overlaps. I don't think this is going to be easily understood at first
glance. It would be better to have two bars for each name, one for
leave, and one for training. The trick to a chart like this is in
staggering of the data. The technique is shown on Stephen Bullen's site
( and jazzed up a little by Bernard Liengme

Set up your data like this:

Start Leave Train LvStart LvEnd TrStart TrEnd
Blank Row
Salam 2/2/04 30 2/2/04 3/3/04
5/5/04 31 5/5/04 5/6/04
Blank Row
John 5/2/04 28 5/2/04 4/3/04
2/1/04 8 2/1/04 10/1/04
Blank Row
Peter 6/6/04 93 6/6/04 7/9/04
1/7/04 19 1/7/04 20/7/04
Blank Row

There are two rows of data for each name, plus blank rows which space
the data in the chart. You need cell A1 to be blank, and some dummy
thing in cell A2, at least until after the chart is made. The cells
under Leave and Train have the appropriate durations. Make a stacked bar
chart from columns A to D, with series by column. Format the Start
series to be invisible. Now, any overlap is obvious, as a span within
which you have both bars (more obvious than translating colors into one
or both activities).

- Jon


Thanks a lot it helped me also in understanding some
tricks about bar charting, last qestion is there this way
to place the corresponding LvStart at the left side of the
bar and LvEnd at the right side.
Thanks again

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