Jon, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, I've been swamped with m
new position at work that kinda necessitated this whole mess in th
first place. I gotta thank you personally for all your brilliant advic
and your amazing and detailed website, for without any of that,
wouldn't have had the vision and endurance to accomplish what I did.
I'll try and simplify what I did here and, hopefully, at some point i
the not-too-distant future, I'll be able to create some kind of
template that I can share with the community. Just to toot my own horn
it's completely brilliant, utterly effective, and has lead to grea
things for me at my company.
After coming to terms with the fact that Excel would just simply no
spread my date values on the value axis, I decided to convert th
entire scope of the Gantt chart into a simple value of the amount o
days between the start date and end date. Now, I know there is always
better way to do anything but this was my approach: my goal was to bas
a chart on standard workweeks, Monday through Friday, and to labe
every major gridline point with the date of the next Monday but b
broken up into only five minor units for the weekdays. To do this,
needed to know the overall proposed start and completion dates for th
job, which is very simple for what I'm working with (constructio
phases). This actually ended up using less of the WORKDAY an
NETWORKDAYS formulas than I had originally since I had to deal with ra
numerical values instead of actual days and dates.
Now all this is displayed on one sheet but then actually calculate
into simple numerical values on another sheet that the chart ca
display accurately. For instance, on my main sheet, I display th
actual start date for the task. On a separate sheet, I use th
NETWORKDAYS formula to calculate the number of days that task start
after the overall job start date. Therefore, the overall start date fo
the job is considered as 0, and if a task starts on the same day, i
will have a value of zero. If a given task starts the day after th
overall job starts, it has a start date value of 1. If I have a jo
that takes five weeks, I set the value axis' minimum and maximum to
and 25 and it all works on that principle, by converting date value
into simple numerical values that the chart can easily display.
I'm sorry I really don't have more to give you right now. I would shar
the spreadsheet I've developed but it's really in a proprietary forma
right now specific to my job and company and it's too complicated to g
into here without posting ten pages of tutorial.
Needless to say, the three major points to getting this to work ar
these: first, all date values need to be converted to a numerical valu
(as in an amount of days, not Excel's built-in serial number format
that corresponds to the value axis' numerical scale (which in mos
cases should be the number of weeks your job will take multiplied b
five for computing workdays). Secondly, you will need to create a dumm
axis/series, which is basically described here This will hav
a number of points equal to the number of Mondays to be displayed on th
chart, and all these points will have a value of 0. Last, you will nee
the XY Chart Labeler as described in the link above. Of course, you ca
do without it, but I don't recommend entering in dozens of dates b
hand. To get this to work, all you need is a corresponding range o
dates for every Monday to be displayed that matches the amount of zer
value points you have on your dummy series.
Again, I'm sorry I couldn't be more clear for everyone who's had a
much frustration with this as I but hopefully in the near future I'l
be able to better share my solution and level out the learning curve.
Thanks again go to Jon Peltier ( who has almos
single-handedly provided the means to end probably my greatest turmoi
ever with Excel