GDI Resource Leaks

  • Thread starter Kantha Kanchiraju
  • Start date

Kantha Kanchiraju


I am writing an Appliction using Word 10(Office Xp) on
Windows 2000. My application Opens and Closes Word each
time. We observed that when ever I Open and Close Word it
leaks two GDI Brushes. Since Windows has a limitation on
the total number of GDI Resources that can be created at a
time to 16k. So after like 7000 times of Opening and
Closing word, with out doing anything else, the system is
running out of GDI resources and making the system
I dont see any resource leaks when i run Office Xp on
Windows NT.

It would be great help if some one could give some insight
into this.

Kantha Kanchiraju

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