General formatting question




Does anyone know why it is that in Word 2002 used with XP, that when for
example a word is selected to underline or change colour, that the whole
document is changed?

Un-doing corrects the situation to only the word selected but I assume that
this can be selected somewhere in the menus so just the selected word(s) are
only formatted?



Leigh Webber


The only way this could happen would be if the entire document was formatted
with a style that had "auto update" set, and you selected an entire
paragraph. Or am I misunderstanding you? Do you mean that selecting a single
word in the middle of a paragraph and making that word bold turns the entire
document bold? I just don't see how that's possible.


The only way this could happen would be if the entire document was formatted
with a style that had "auto update" set, and you selected an entire
paragraph. Or am I misunderstanding you? Do you mean that selecting a single
word in the middle of a paragraph and making that word bold turns the entire
document bold? I just don't see how that's possible.

Yes, if I select one sentence in a paragraph and make Bold or Underline, the
whole document is made Bold or Underlined. Clicking on undo then makes just
the selected
text Bold or Underlined, works the same way with changing text colour -
never had this before.


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