I have a form I built but when I send it
nothing appears.
That usually happens because your aren't sending it using the TNEF
wrapper. You do this by opening the contact item for the intended
target, select the email address you are going to use, right-click it,
and then choose properties from the drop-down list. On that properties
panel, in older versions of Outlook, the is a check-box that is labeled
"Always send to this address using rtf", or something like that. In
Ol2003, there is a drop-down list control, one choice is Always send
using rtf. So, check the box, or choose the rtf format in the list
box, which-ever you have. Then save the contact. Setting this
parameter really doesn't have anything to do with rtf, as far as I can
tell. It just forces the use of the TNEF wrapper, which preserves data
in custom fields. Why use the term rtf? Well, perhaps just historical
accident, or they thought TNEF would confuse everybody and rtf was
sort-of associated with it, or who knows. It is one of those questions
you learn not to ask.
Now, there are other reasons why you might not get your data. Like
your form is one-offing. But, from what little you say about it, it
doesn't look like that is the case.
Hollis D. Paul [MVP - Outlook]
(e-mail address removed)
Mukilteo, WA USA