General getting started questions



I am wondering if it is possible to embed MS Visio 2003 in a VB6 form? I
want to be able to do the following inside my VB6 exe.
1) Load a MS Visio Drawing (vsd)
2) Use the Visio Drawing toolbar to draw, polylines, polygons, and points on
the opened vsd.
3) Be able recogonize that one of the above objects has been drawn and track
it as a unique object with some kind of related identifier that can be stored
in a database.

Can you tell me if this functionality is possible with Visio? Secondly, can
you point me to or provide me with some sample code to get me started along
these lines? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You


Thank you for the response. The active x link is helpful, I already had the
SDK. I have a test project I am working with that I was able to get a vsd
loaded in. What I am having problems with is understanding how to add a
toolbar with custom tools on it to draw my objects with. Most of the sample
code is in vba and I dont understand how to transition from the vba
"ThisDocument" to a VB object, and how to create the custom toolbar and

Thank You Greg

Al Edlund

I'd suggest that you get a copy of David Edsons book He has a lot of great
examples in vb and starts the reader off right by explaining the visio
object architecture.

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