general questions regarding reducing file size for pivottables


Marcus Ahlbäck


I use Pivottables as a "Business Intelligence" and financial reporting tool.
Basically what I do is that I import data from our accounting system on
transaction level, and then build my reports and analyses on them.
My problem is that as the imported data is on transaction-level the file
gets very large (10.000-nds of rows and file size about 50 MB). This makes
Excel slow and means that I cannot mail the file to my colleagues.
I understand that this is because the imported data-amount is so large, so
I'm asking for suggestions to reduce this. (In most cases I get data on a
more detailed level than I need, for exemple I might get one transaction per
day, and that is a information that I don't need)
Is this possible within Excel, or should I learn Access and can I solve it

Kind regards Marcus

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