Amit Gupta
The following error occurs when a user tries to open the project in ProjectCenter. Please advice:
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: ProjectServerError(s) LastError=GeneralUnhandledException Instructions: Pass this into PSClientError constructor to access all error information at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.WebService.PWA.ViewGetViewReportsByType(ViewType viewType, Guid tsUID)
Amit Gupta
The following error occurs when a user tries to open the project in ProjectCenter. Please advice:
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: ProjectServerError(s) LastError=GeneralUnhandledException Instructions: Pass this into PSClientError constructor to access all error information at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.WebService.PWA.ViewGetViewReportsByType(ViewType viewType, Guid tsUID)
Amit Gupta