Generate a new table



I am trying to generate a new table within the access db.

I have 1 table that has production run #123 on 1/1/07 for a qty of 5 starting
with SN:111 and ending with SN:115 with a warranty expiration date of 2/1/07.

How do I generate a new table to give me:
111 1/1/07 2/1/07
112 1/1/07 2/1/07
113 1/1/07 2/1/07
114 1/1/07 2/1/07
115 1/1/07 2/1/07

or is this impossible?


John Vinson

I am trying to generate a new table within the access db.

I have 1 table that has production run #123 on 1/1/07 for a qty of 5 starting
with SN:111 and ending with SN:115 with a warranty expiration date of 2/1/07.

How do I generate a new table to give me:
111 1/1/07 2/1/07
112 1/1/07 2/1/07
113 1/1/07 2/1/07
114 1/1/07 2/1/07
115 1/1/07 2/1/07

or is this impossible?


Why would you WANT to create a new table?

If you're assuming (perhaps based on experience with some other
software) that you must have the data in a separate table in order to
report it, that assumption is erroneous.

Instead, create a Query on your table using criteria on the fields.
That Query can be used as the source for a Form, for a Report, for
exporting, pretty much anything that you want to do with a Table.

And... if you have a different Table for each production run, you're
making the same error! Much better would be to have ONE big table with
a ProductionRun field; if you want to see #123 today and #142
tomorrow, you can simply use a Parameter Query with

[Enter production run:]

as a criterion on the field.

John W. Vinson[MVP]


What I have is 1 table for all production runs with a starting # and ending #,
not a separate table with all serial #'s. I need to generate a table to
upload to a website that has each individual # with dom, exp and model info.
How can I do that? There are different production runs for different items
on different days with different qtys? I just can't get the new table to
fill in model, dom and exp date - it will only add the starting # and info
and not each # in between start# and finish#.

John said:
I am trying to generate a new table within the access db.
[quoted text clipped - 13 lines]

Why would you WANT to create a new table?

If you're assuming (perhaps based on experience with some other
software) that you must have the data in a separate table in order to
report it, that assumption is erroneous.

Instead, create a Query on your table using criteria on the fields.
That Query can be used as the source for a Form, for a Report, for
exporting, pretty much anything that you want to do with a Table.

And... if you have a different Table for each production run, you're
making the same error! Much better would be to have ONE big table with
a ProductionRun field; if you want to see #123 today and #142
tomorrow, you can simply use a Parameter Query with

[Enter production run:]

as a criterion on the field.

John W. Vinson[MVP]

John Vinson

What I have is 1 table for all production runs with a starting # and ending #,
not a separate table with all serial #'s. I need to generate a table to
upload to a website that has each individual # with dom, exp and model info.
How can I do that? There are different production runs for different items
on different days with different qtys? I just can't get the new table to
fill in model, dom and exp date - it will only add the starting # and info
and not each # in between start# and finish#.

You can upload a Table.

You can also upload A QUERY.

It is *NOT* necessary to have a separate table.

You may need an auxiliary table (named Num say) with a single field N,
holding values from 0 through 50000 or so. Your Query can include a
calculated field

SerialNum: [Start#] + N

with criteria on this - or on N - to limit the range.

John W. Vinson[MVP]

Tylee23 via

thanks John!

John said:
What I have is 1 table for all production runs with a starting # and ending #,
not a separate table with all serial #'s. I need to generate a table to
[quoted text clipped - 5 lines]

You can upload a Table.

You can also upload A QUERY.

It is *NOT* necessary to have a separate table.

You may need an auxiliary table (named Num say) with a single field N,
holding values from 0 through 50000 or so. Your Query can include a
calculated field

SerialNum: [Start#] + N

with criteria on this - or on N - to limit the range.

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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