Generate product codes on the fly using DMAX or Count.


Richard Horne

Hello all,

I'm trying to develop a product code generator for our stock database. The
format of our product code will be as follows:

AB-CC-DDDD-EE-FFF (all numerics)

The numbers that make up A-E are all generated from values selected in
various combo boxes on my product entry form. I've got these parts working
fine and have created a form that generate a partial product code by
concatenating all the requisite parts together.

The problem I now have is that I want to automatically generate the last
three digits (FFF) based on the number of records saved against AB-CC-DDD-EE.

Let me explain this a bit better. An example of a partial product could be
12-34-5678-91 - note FFF is missing.

And I could have multiple items with that that partial product code. FFF is
what will differentiate between them.

And while the values that can be selected for A-E are all already
predefined, F will be a freeform text box called design. So the form will
need to count how many records in the system have the partial product code
12-34-5678-91- in our given example - and then automatically assign the next
number in the sequence, or 001 if there are none.

But how do I go about doing this live count instantly on a form? The
research I've done suggests I might need to use the DMAX function but while I
can easily do this in PHP, my VBA skills are not quite upto scratch and I'm
unfamiliar with the best practises in terms of form coding.

Thanks in advance.

BruceM via

With a single prefix number your code could be something like this (air code):

Dim lngE as Long, lngF as Long

lngE = Me.E

lngF = Nz(DMax("[F]","[TableName]","[E] = " & lngE),0) + 1

Me.F = lngF

I would try that to get started. To add other parts of the product code:

Dim lngD as Long, lngE as Long, lngF as Long
Dim strWhere as String

lngD = Me.D
lngE = Me.E
strWhere = "[D] = " & lngD & " AND [E] = " & lngE

lngF = Nz(DMax("[F]","[TableName]",strWhere),0) + 1

Me.F = lngF

In the second example I used a string variable for the DMax Where condition,
as I often find it clearer to build such a string outside of the DMax

The above code assumes A, B, C, D, E, and F are fields in the form's
underlying Record Source. For display purposes you would need to use the
Format function to display leading zeros. If the form is based on a query
you can do something like this as a calculated field:

FullNumber: [A] & & Format([C],"\-00") & Format([D],"\-0000") & _
Format([C],"/-00") & Format([D],"/-00") & Format([F],"/-

This assumes that any element with two or more characters could have leading
zeros. It would work even if that is not so, but in that case you could
simplify a little. Let's say C is always two characters, and the first one
is never 0:

FullNumber: [A] & & "-" & [C] & Format([D],"\-0000") & _
Format([C],"\-00") & Format([D],"\-00") & Format([F],"\-

The backslash in the format function tells Access to treat the next character
as literal. It may work if you leave out the backslash, but I prefer to be

BruceM via

In the last post, note that the underscore in the query expression is
intended for clarity in this posting (I see the line wrap has a mind of its
own anyhow), but leave it out of the expression. It is a line continuation
character in VBA only, not in Access SQL.

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