generate random number



I require a function where Access will generate an Automatic identification
number beginning with the letters 'BNS'; Also after the letters ‘BNS’ I
would like the date to be displayed in number form. Finally after the BNS and
date I would like a / or . and then two numbers

For example if it were today’s date (2nd August 2006):

BNS02082006.00 or BNS02082006/00

BNS02/08/2006.00 or BNS02/08/2006/00

(Any of the above combination would be fine)

Therefore, the date would stay the same and the two last would change every
time a new record is entered. E.g. 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 etc

Also the numbers have to be unique. I am still a novice in Access so if
someone can give me a step by step guide it would be great!

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