I would like to create a database in which two researchers interpret data
independently and enter their values onto into identical forms consisting of
about 100 fields. Where their values do not match, I would like to generate
a report that lists the Record ID#, the name of the field where the
discrepancy exists, and the value that each person entered. Should I set it
up so that each form goes to its own table? And how do I set up the query
and report?
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help. Detailed instructions (or a
reference where I can find them) are greatly appreciated, as I am an Access
independently and enter their values onto into identical forms consisting of
about 100 fields. Where their values do not match, I would like to generate
a report that lists the Record ID#, the name of the field where the
discrepancy exists, and the value that each person entered. Should I set it
up so that each form goes to its own table? And how do I set up the query
and report?
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help. Detailed instructions (or a
reference where I can find them) are greatly appreciated, as I am an Access