Generate Report !



Hi All,

I hae a problem suppressing a code project.

I am generating a report from main application using
CreateEventProc event. The problem is that the code
project window shows everytime i use this
CreateEventProc . i tried setting the visible property to
false but didnt work. Is there a way to hide it and not to
let the use see the code for the report module !!!

please helpppppppppppppp !!!!!!


Marshall Barton

Lena said:
I am generating a report from main application using
CreateEventProc event. The problem is that the code
project window shows everytime i use this
CreateEventProc . i tried setting the visible property to
false but didnt work. Is there a way to hide it and not to
let the use see the code for the report module !!!

This is such a strange thing to do that I doubt that you're
going to get much help with your question. In general, and
without knowing what your bigger picture is, performing
design time operations at run time is a very bad thing to be
doing. If you'll describe your overall objective, perhaps
someone can propose an alternate approach that follows good

Back to your queation, have you tried setting Echo False to
freeze the screen while your code runs? This can be
dangerous, so make double sure that your error handling code
can never exit without resetting Echo back to True.

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