generate sequence of number

  • Thread starter cyzax7 via
  • Start date

cyzax7 via

hello there,

I have prob with my code that need your guide. I want to create a macro that
will generate numbers starting from 0 to 6 000 000 000 in Column A when user
click on the command button(Generate_Numbers). The numbers are in multiple of
50000. Below are the code: When I tried to debug the code, a message box
displayed showing a run time error.. Can someone show me where is the
mistakes ??

Sub Generate_Numbers()
Dim CountRow As Integer
Dim i As Double

For CountRow = 2 To cLastRow = 120000
i = 0
Worksheets("Data2").Cells(CountRow, "A").Value = i
i = i + 500000
CountRow = CountRow + 1
Next CountRow

End Sub

********Generate numbers command button in Worksheet ("Data2")

Private Sub GenerateNumCommandButton1_Click()
End Sub



RB Smissaert

You want something like this:

Sub Generate_Numbers()

Dim CountRow As Long
Dim cLastRow As Long
Dim i As Double

cLastRow = 100

For CountRow = 2 To cLastRow
Worksheets("Data2").Cells(CountRow, 1).Value = i
i = i + 500000
Next CountRow

End Sub


cyzax7 via

Hi RB Smissaert,

Thanxs.. It works so well ;>

RB said:
You want something like this:

Sub Generate_Numbers()

Dim CountRow As Long
Dim cLastRow As Long
Dim i As Double

cLastRow = 100

For CountRow = 2 To cLastRow
Worksheets("Data2").Cells(CountRow, 1).Value = i
i = i + 500000
Next CountRow

End Sub

hello there,
[quoted text clipped - 31 lines]

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