Generating business days in a calendar month, EXCLUDING holidays



I've perused the existing posts and while I've come across some useful
postings, I couldn't seem to find my exact answer.

I simply want Excel to calculate the number of business days in any
given calendar month.

For instance:

Cell A1 = 07/01/04

Cell A2 = ..formula.. = 20

20 being the number of business days in July, minus weekends, minus the
july 4th holiday.

I understand I will have to use NETWORKDAYS function, with the Analysis
Toolpak installed, but what would the formula contain so that I am
getting the holidays to be taken out also, and would I need to create a
separate range with a date list of those holidays I wish to be taken
out? Thanks terribly! Jacob



You're pretty much answering your own questions!

If you want to exclude holidays then yes, you have to list
them in a range.

A1 = 07/01/04 (I take that to be July 1 2004)

B1:B10 = list of holidays
Cell A2 = ..formula.. = 20


Returns 22


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