generating detailed reports


Nicolas SF


I created a project with many levels of tasks and sub tasks.

I'd like to generate reports, such as "todo list" for resources, but right
now I can only get the list of tasks, without context.

Is there a way to do this?

For example, i have things like
feature X

and the report doesn't show the "feature X" item.

A work around would be to always include the name of the summary task in
each sub task, but that seems very redundant.

any ideas?


Lee Adler

It might seem a bit redundant, but it is very easy and fast to do and works
real good.
It's just a matter of a bit of copy and paste within MSP, or if you have a
lot of tasks you can copy the whole column and paste it into EXCEL, do the
text editing there with copy/paste, fill down and concatenation and text
functions, then copy the result and paste it all back into MSP.

feature X
    feature X requirements
    feature X spec
    feature X  implement

But while you are doing it, to make your reports even less cryptic, why not
fix up the task names to be more descriptive and start with a verb.
The word "requirements" for example, does not give me even a clue about what
sort of a task this is, or what the outcomes and deliverables might be.
Trevor Rabey
61 8 92727485

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I am normally a lurker in this group, but I have over time found what
works for me:

Using the Task Sheet (or Gantt) view, choose AutoFilter and then
filter by each resource. You will have the summary tasks as well as
the sub tasks, and you can choose to filter further by incomplete
tasks which is what I usually do.

Hope this helps.

Lee Adler


I consider this to be a serious limitation of MSP. I have included a
breadcrumb in each of my tasks. Now I cannot read my entry screen as quickly
as before. The reports should really concatenate the summary tasks with the

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