Generating Numbers automatically



I'm using Access 2002.
I have a field called Job No.
It is a text (data type). The reason being that there is an "I" in front of
each number i.e. I1234 I1235 etc
The problem is that when the user enters a new record, he/she has to know
what the last recorded job no. is present in the database, in order to then
assign the next sequential job no. So its a manual process.
I don't want to seperate the "I" component from the Job No. field in order
the make the field an autonumber datatype.
Is there some code I could use to allow the system to somehow automatically
assign the next sequential number incorporating the prefix "I" to each
number ?
thank you for any help.

Joe D

You could try this:

Private Sub AddRecord_Click()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
Me!IDControl = "I" & (Mid(DMax("[ID]", "[ID Table]"), 2) + 1)
End Sub

This goes in the On Click event of a button on your form (I assumed you are
entering records in a form, NOT in a table). It assumes that the button is
named (not labeled) "AddRecord". Substitute your ID control name for
"IDControl", your Job No source field name for "ID" and your source table
name for "ID Table".

There are other places to put the Job No creator (such as in double click
for the Job No control itself or with another button called, say, "Assign Job
No", etc.). You decide where it is best to put it. I just wanted to suggest
a formulation. Others may discuss where best to put it. And others may
suggest you put am "CInt" around the value extraction (it works without it,
however, but bthere may be some side issues).

Good luck,


Joe D

Oh, and one other issue. I had assumed (perhaps incorrectly, but falling
back on my experience with job number assignments) that you are fixed
formatting the numeric portion of the JN. That is I00001, I00002, etc., not
I1, I123, I3, etc. If it is *not* fixed format, then the formula has to be
adjusted to make the numeric part an integer *before* incrementing. Let me
know and I'll work up the revision - unless someone beats me to it. <g>

Joe D

Gary: Well, I picked up my brain off the floor and rebooted it and now think
I got the syntax right from my *first* reply. (Simpler than moding the query)

Me!IDControl = "I" & (DMax("Int(Mid([ID], 2))", "[ID Table]") + 1)

Substitute this in the first post sub routine. I tested this and it works
(gosh I hope so by now) no matter the number format.

Sorry to all you guys for so many posts. I'll *not* do this again.

Ken Sheridan


While simply looking up the maximum existing value of the column and adding
1 will work fine in a single user environment, in a networked multi-user
environment there is the possibility of a conflict. One means of avoiding
this is to store the last value in a separate database which is opened
exclusively to get the next number. The following is the module I use for
this. The external database is tblCounter.mdb with a single column,
NextNumber of long integer number data type. In this code the external
database is assumed to be in the same folder as the back end .mdb file
containing the tables. Note that the code uses DAO, so you'll need a
reference to the DAO object library (Tool|References on the VBA menu bar).
Some day I'll get round to writing an ADO version.

I your case, assuming the format required is I followed by four digits, you
could call the GetNextNumber function from the form's BeforeInsert event
procedure with:

Me.[Job No] = "I" & Format(GetNextNumber,"0000")

Note that this behaves like an autonumber column in that any discarded
numbers are not re-used.

''''module begins''''
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Dim dbsCounter As DAO.Database, rstCounter As DAO.Recordset

Public Function GetNextNumber() As Long

Const NOCURRENTRECORD As Integer = 3021

Set rstCounter = dbsCounter.OpenRecordset("tblCounter")

On Error Resume Next
With rstCounter
' insert new row if table is empty
!NextNumber = 1
GetNextNumber = 1
' update row and get next number in sequence
!NextNumber = !NextNumber + 1
GetNextNumber = rstCounter!NextNumber
End If
End With

End Function

Public Function ConnectPath() As String

Dim dbs As DAO.Database, tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim strConnectString As String, strDbName As String, intSlashPos As

Set dbs = CurrentDb

For Each tdf In dbs.TableDefs
If tdf.Connect <> "" Then
strConnectString = tdf.Connect
End If
Next tdf

intSlashPos = 1
strDbName = strConnectString
Do While intSlashPos > 0
intSlashPos = InStr(strDbName, "\")
strDbName = Right(strDbName, Len(strDbName) - intSlashPos)

ConnectPath = Mid(strConnectString, 11, Len(strConnectString) _
- (10 + Len(strDbName)))

End Function

Public Function OpenCounterDb(strCounterDb) As Boolean

' Opens external Counter database exclusively
' Returns True if able to open external database

Dim n As Integer, I As Integer, intInterval As Integer

' make 10 attempts to open external database exclusively
DoCmd.Hourglass True
SysCmd acSysCmdSetStatus, "Attempting to get new number"
On Error Resume Next
For n = 1 To 10
Set dbsCounter = OpenDatabase(strCounterDb, True)
If Err = 0 Then
Exit For
intInterval = Int(Rnd(Time()) * 100)
For I = 1 To intInterval
Next I
End If
Next n
SysCmd acSysCmdClearStatus
DoCmd.Hourglass False

If Err = 0 Then
OpenCounterDb = True
End If

End Function

Public Function CloseCounterDb()

On Error Resume Next

' close recordset and external databse if open

Set rstCounter = Nothing
Set dbsCounter = Nothing

End Function
''''module ends''''

Ken Sheridan


Ooops! The external database is called Counter.mdb; tblCounter is its one
and only table. Full code to get a new number would thus be:

''''code begins'''
On Error GoTo Err_Handler

Dim strCounterDb As String, lngID As Long

strCounterDb = ConnectPath() & "Counter.mdb"

'attempt to get next number
If Not OpenCounterDb(strCounterDb) Then
MsgBox "Unable to get ID number at present.", vbInformation, "Error"
End If

Me.[Job No] = "I" & Format(GetNextNumber,"0000")

' close external counter database if open

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error"
Resume Exit_Here
''''code ends''''

Sorry for any confusion.

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