Hi Tony--
Tony said:
Did that in TextEdit, and the custom size DID show up in Word Page Settings - amazing!
Okay good! First step accomplished.
(Like I said, File | Page Setup reflects an interaction between Word,
the OS, and the printer driver--TextEdit (or Pages, both written by
Apple) can talk to the OS and tell it to save a custom paper size, which
Word could not do until Tiger. It does seem very counter-intuitive,
BUT, big but - this depends on what chapter (section) of the document I select for saving to pdf.
Even when the new custom page size is selected in the print window, for some sections the little
print preview still shows the page top-center on a US Letter page, and the pdf looks the same, while
"good" sections behave properly.
Okay, try this--put the cursor in section 1, set the custom paper size.
Put the cursor in section 2, set the custom paper size. Repeat for all
sections (well, do a few, then test to see if it's working). Even if the
custom size comes up preselected, reset it. File | Page Setup seems to
automatically default to "this section only", which is good when you
want only one page to be landscape, but in your case aggravating, and
even the Tiger version has no setting to change what it applies to.
If I make a page range selection that crosses such a section, the "save to pdf" generates two pdfs -
one custom page size and the other on US Letter!
To be expected. Sometimes a document is sent to the printer as multiple
print jobs, each print job gets it own PDF. Changing paper size
certainly requires a different print job. If we can sort out the paper
size issue, it will be easy enough to combine the PDFs at the end, if
still necessary.
Point of order here: the bounding box of the Footer goes right down to the bottom edge of the page
of EVERY section. I can't figure out how to drag it up towards the bottom of the page number. It
isn't a problem except that while a pdf is being created I get a message (on just some of the
sections) that the footer of section xx is set outside the printable area of the page. This seems to
be where the pdf breaks into two.
That also seems to be the case on all my documents here. Not sure what
to do about that one.
On lurking in this newsgroup, I now know that section breaks are quite problematic, but the manual
I'm working on needs them for chapter info in the header.
Actually, maybe not. What chapter information? For instance, if all you
want to do is show the chapter title in the header, you can use a
StyleRef field in the header set to pick up the nearest text formatted
in ChapterTitle style. The text of the StyleRef will change without
section breaks. However, to get no header at all on the first page of
each chapter, or to restart footnote numbering, section breaks are
required (though I'm investigating the blank first page header issue,
there might be a workaround for that one).
Ancilliary, maybe important points, and general weirdness:
- After much general random strangeness, and an onset of many Classic/PageMaker crashes, etc. I did
a clean install of the OS. Since then, communication with the printer (driver was reinstalled also)
is marginal - The Lexmark 322 does not even show up in Chooser in Classic. In OS10 it will print
Word, and *might* print the first page of a pdf while giving print-error messages then stopping.
Since you are printing to PDF anyhow, it doesn't really matter which
printer driver you use. In Page Setup, you can use Format for Any
Printer--you might even install the printer driver for some other
printer and use that. And you might try reinstalling the Lexmark
driver, first checking the Lexmark website for an updated version. I'm
not surprised it doesn't like Classic, but it ought to behave in OS X.
This is the first time since my Mac Plus days that hassles are piling up.
hope they can be resolved!