generating report from excel, trouble with bookmark..



Hi all,

I am trying to generate couple of word documents from excel sheet. I
start with word template file with enclosing bookmarks to insert text
and objects from excel. I have to add three things to the word
1. project name
2. pad drawing
3. table of data

I am able to successfully replace the bookmarks when I use text. But
when I try to copy the drawing(a picture), it doesn't work. Also I try
to copy a table that also doesn't work. I don't know what I am doing
wrong. The code is shown below. Thanks in advance for correcting me
with your suggestions.


Sub GenerateDocs()

Dim oWrd As Word.Application
Dim oDoc As Word.Document

Set oWrd = New Word.Application
oWrd.Visible = False

proj = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DOC").Range("PROJECT_NAME").Value
Set phook = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DOC").Range("DRAWING_LOC")
Set pdCell = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DOC").Range("PAD_DESCRIPTION")

Set oDoc = oWrd.Documents.Open("U:\proj446\")
oDoc.Bookmarks("ProjName").Range.Text = proj
Set ToCell = oDoc.Bookmarks("PadHook").Range
Set TableCell = oDoc.Bookmarks("PdTable").Range

With Worksheets("DOC")
.Range(phook).Copy Destination:=ToCell
.Range(pdCell, pdCell.End(xlDown).End(xlToRight)).Copy
End With

oDoc.SaveAs CurDir & "\test.doc"

End Sub

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