I have created a form that has a drop down list that shows a numerical code
and also a descriptor for each code. The drop down list is using a reference
table, table 2, with two fields to generate the list. Field one is the
numerical code and Field 2 is the descriptor. I have set the form up to store
only the numerical code (Field 1) in Table 1.
In my report, I am having trouble creating a text box that provides both the
numerical code selected (Field one) and its corresponding descriptor. I can
create a text box that puts in the control source for the numerical code from
table 1 but not its corresponding descriptor (Field 2 from table 2). I have
tried the following:
=[GOVCODE] And [Table2]!Field2 (note [GOVCODE] is from Table 1
When running the report I am prompted to provide a value for Table2, please
and also a descriptor for each code. The drop down list is using a reference
table, table 2, with two fields to generate the list. Field one is the
numerical code and Field 2 is the descriptor. I have set the form up to store
only the numerical code (Field 1) in Table 1.
In my report, I am having trouble creating a text box that provides both the
numerical code selected (Field one) and its corresponding descriptor. I can
create a text box that puts in the control source for the numerical code from
table 1 but not its corresponding descriptor (Field 2 from table 2). I have
tried the following:
=[GOVCODE] And [Table2]!Field2 (note [GOVCODE] is from Table 1
When running the report I am prompted to provide a value for Table2, please