Generic date in Entry Table



In summary, I'm trying to show generic date information in the entry table in
Gantt view. Project starts in June-06, which I would like to show as Y1M1.
July would be Y1M2 and so on.

You are welcome Jim.

It *may* be possible through VBA, but I'm afraid that isn't one of my
skills. You may get an answer if you post to the project developer


Rod Gill

I think Gerard gave the easiest answer in the Project group. Use DateDiff to
calculate the month in Text1, Datediff to calculate the year in Text2 then a
formula in Text3 to concatenate text 1 and 2.

VBA can certainly do this, but formulae will calculate each time a task's
date changes, whilst you would need to manually run a vba macro.

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