Generic Resources


Andy Novak

I asked earlier about how to use project server for plan storage and
updates, but not using timesheets.

Its my understanding that in order to view tasks per resource, you
still have to publish all -- project and assignments, but then you
COULD ignore the data pushed out to the web (just update the plan
manually and republish I guess).

If I used all generic resources, would that keep the timesheet data
from being pushed out to the web?

Andy Novak
University of North Texas

Dale Howard [MVP]

Andy --

If you assign Generic resources exclusively to tasks, then yes, no task
assignments would be published to the PWA timesheets. Hope this helps.

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
Denver, Colorado
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

Andy Novak

Thanks Dale. Is this necessariliy a bad thing? In other words, are
there any other major functions that "go away"?


Dale Howard [MVP]

Andy --

The functionality of Generic resources is not bad or good. It is a feature
that works in a particular way. If the feature works the way you want it to
do, then it is probably a good thing. If not, it's a bad thing. I would
recommend you experiment with the use of Generic resources in your own
environment to determine whether their use is good or bad for you. Hope
this helps.

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