Generic vs. Enterprise Resources


Sara B

Can anyone tell me the pros and cons of having Generic Resources?

We have thought about changing our current generic resources to regular
resources in order to see the demand within PWA. They would still have a
generic name but the generic check box would be unchecked. We know that a
logon account would be generated for these resources but what problems would
we be facing?


If you make a Generic resource an Enterprise resource you would most
likely be in technical violation of the EULA and would have to purchase
CALS. I question the need to do this. Generic resources should appear
in the modeler (they do in my implementations). Have you ensured that
the booking type for generic resources is set to committed?


John Sitka

Please explain what makes you think you are in violation of the EULA.
Currently examining this. Thanks.


Since a Generic Resource would have no associated Windows Login or Project
Server Login and could not possibly consume a CAL, I'm not sure how they
could violate the EULA.

Generics are simply placeholders to be used until an named Resource is
provided and substituted in their place.

Can you provide substantiating text from the EULA to help clarify this?

John Sitka

In my latest reading I can find no evidence that even a non generic resources
when utilizing Project Server Accounts must consume a licence.
Microsoft's formal definition of volume licencing defines a user as the physical person.
Therefore a single individual could have many logins and still require only a single CAL.
Unfortunately Microsoft's licencing counting via software dosen't agree with this as every account created
is implied as needing a licence. To me the Server Pool definition of applications within the Volume
Licencing agreement reads as a Project Server user CAL would cover as many logical accounts as could
be used by a single person. I would like confirmation on this, as even our resller made a suggestion in violation
of the SQL CAL licencing arangement so I guess it becomes the dicipline of lawyers to sort it out.

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