German government warns against using MS Explorer


John Hacker

Now this must be the news of 2010

After nearly 10 years of unlimited patches, hotfixes and service
Packs, IE is still a weak link in recent attacks on Google's systems.
Either M$ is now threatened by Googles rise to prominence or IE is
completely rubbish. Either way we should start taking instructions
from the German government if this article is anything to go by.


Is google's search engine more powerful than M$ Bing?

Keith Richards

and after as many years or more, Toyota is apparently a weak link too!

I really can't remember the last time I looked to any Government anywhere
for truth or objectivity. And, in addition for citizens to look to any
Government for techno/Internet help, well, it's only in the last few years
that they've been able to spell www!

After 100's of years of Suits and Ties and Edumacated people convincing us
that they can run our lives they seem to have been measurably less adequate
than IE, Google and Firefox.

To ask the perpetual duality question in your last pargraph displays a
desire to perpetuate myths and illusions. e.g. Which is better - Mac or PC?
NEITHER! it's ALWAYS the end user...

Sheesh </rant>

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